6a Warapora Road, Medowie
phone: 0439 750 551
Thursday - Mixed Warrior Pre Teens
to book this class email medowiegymnastics@gmail.com
Service Description
This class is for girls and boys aged 11 and up. In this class the children continue to build on their own level being either Stage 1,2 or 3. This is a great class for kids who maybe late comers to the sport and somewhat shy or physically challenge when it comes to upper or lower body strength, co ordination, agility, balance etc. This class offers them a safe and supportive space in which to develop skills they are interested in. Activities and skills are drawn from Stage 1 to 3 of all Gym Sports (disciplines) including Rhythmic, Acrobatic, Trampoline, MAG and WAG. The classes are designed around the four F's. Fun, Friendship, Fitness and Foundation Skills. The game element is big inclusion in these classes.
Contact Details
6a Waropara Road, Medowie NSW, Australia
+ 0439 750 551
© 2017. Medowie Gymnastics, 6a Waropara Road, Medowie, NSW.