Thank You
We have received your registration form
Thank you for enrolling in Medowie Gymnastic classes in 2020. As part of the enrolment process and our updated payment policy all families will need to set up a Direct Debit mandate with GO CARDLESS which allows us to collect a payment automatically.
What is the benefit of this?
This means you can choose between paying the full term fees into our nominated bank account. Details are found on your invoice. Or you can absorb the GO CARDLESS fees into a structured payment plan set up on either weekly or fortnightly payments.
How does GO CARDLESS work?
GO CARDLESS works directly with our XERO invoicing system. It will store your details securely then Medowie Gymnastic can arrange payments automatically. We do not have access to you account details. You will always receive an email regarding a scheduled automatic payment the day before a scheduled payment so you are always up to date.
Do I have to set up GO CARDLESS if I pay directly into the clubs account?
Yes, all families will be required to set up a mandate.
When would the mandate be used if I pay fees directly to club bank account?
Medowie Gymnastics will use the mandate to collect term fees, late fee, exit fees, competition fees, uniform fees etc, if not paid by the invoice date.
The day after the due date the automatic payment will be scheduled for the next day for the amount outstanding plus transaction fee and an email notification will be sent.
What if my schedule payment is declined?
All fees will be due on a Thursday. If the payment is declined and your fees are not in credit your child will not be allowed entry onto the gym floor the following week. This give you the weekend to sort out the overdue fee with admin and get back up to date.
What are the GO CARDLESS transaction fees?
Transaction fees of 1% + 0.40c per transaction will apply to all transactions using Go Cardless.
Once Medowie Gymnastic has received notification from GO CARDLESS that you have set up a mandate your invoice for term fees will be issued. Please email us if you wish to set up a payment plan indicating either weekly or fortnightly payments or pay full fees into club account by the due date or a $15 late fee will apply.
Please rest assured that careful consideration has gone into selecting a provider for this service. If you have any feedback please feel free to get in touch.